Peña Los Rocheros
The Peña Los Rocheros was born in May 2013. Actually, it had been brewing for months as an idea that came and went between a group of friends, who at each Rocheo outing, fantasized about living the Churriego Carnival from within, starting in minute one of the Pregón and ending in the last second of Piñata Sunday. In addition, they planned months of preparation, choreography, sewing and rehearsals …
One of the main premises at the time of presenting, was none other than the intention and initiative to promote one of the emblematic figures of our Carnival: The Street Mask.
The project started successfully and at the 2014 carnival, the Peña Los Rocheros took to the streets with about 60 people on Piñata Sunday, performing with their “Goyesco Courtship”, a montage made in spain influenced by the aesthetics of the time of the year 1800 and the pictorial work of Francisco de Goya. In 2015 there were 70 people representing “The Entourage of the Sun”, a montage of clear Egyptian inspiration surrounded by fantasy. In its third year, 2016, there were 75 people who staged the installation “The Gardens of Marie Antoinette”, in a realistic nod to the queen consort of France and the Gardens of Versailles. In recent years they have been accompanied by the “Charanga Los Que Nunca Fallan”, which has delighted us and made us dance with each chord.
With these bets, Los Rocheros have won awards locally in the comparsas mode, taking these subjects to other locations where they have also received mentions.
In their first three years, they have won the prize for the costume of women in the Carnaval Museum Costumes Contest.
Their monographic day is the first Sunday of Carnival, they make a popular meal in the Doctor Fleming Park, all disguised with the same theme and spending the afternoon on the street with their Charanga.
Today, together with the Peña Los Cansaliebres and the unconditional support of all the other clubs, we have managed to locate our Street Mask in the place it deserves and make the younger people live it with their masks on, the joke and the knowledge to be that characterizes it with the emblematic one to which you do not know me?. To do this, they perform a concentration of street masks on Monday afternoon, which year after year, receives a greater confluence of masks and public on Carnaval street, as a final culmination to a masked afternoon-night, they offer a snack at their headquarters to catch forces and continue with the party.
On Monday morning, they are responsible for organizing the traditional gastronomic contest of the Carnival, and of course, the sweetest of the week, it is the Fruit Contest in Frying Pan. Dressed as cooks and wearing a yellow apron, they take care of the participants and prepare the tables with delicious sweets made up of donuts, wafers, borrachuelas, roscapiña … tasted by the lucky jury members, scoring and rewarding the best. Once the contest is over, the citizens will taste such tasty traditional dishes of Miguelturra Carnival.
Apart from these ten days of passion for our carnival and during the summer, they participate in the organization of workshops for teenagers, these workshops are known as “Enchanted Nights of … Get to know you”, organized by the Local Council of Youth and Youth Center of Miguelturra. Doctor Fleming Park hosts two activities in which they participate with intensity, the Association Fair and the food of the Peñas during the Fiestas Patronales de Septiembre.
From the first year they have organized a Halloween party in a local town, all come dressed in the most terrifying way possible, enjoying a great evening. To close the last night of the year and next to the Peña Los Cansaliebres, they organize a Great New Year’s Eve party in another place in the town, every year, they manage to hang the “sold out” sign. During the Fairs and Festivities, together with this same Peña, they set up a booth at the fair, being able to enjoy good music during these days with the members of both Peñas.
From this Peña, it is his intention to prolong the excellent work that all the Peñas Veteranas have been doing throughout all these years and continue living with them and their unstoppable example, living the BEST CARNIVAL OF THE REGION.
Foundation: 2013
Components: 75
- President:
Raúl Domínguez Donate - Vice president:
Emilio Ruíz Muñoz - Secretary:
Cristian Pedrero Blázquez - Treasurer:
Estrella de Toro - Vowels: