Entries by berna

Azucena Sánchez Merino designer of the website logo

carnavaldemiguelturra.es already has a logo

José Ribagorda will announce the Miguelturra Carnivals 2017

The well-known journalist will kick off the town’s most popular festivals, declared of Regional and Customary Tourist Interest.

José Cañizares and Antonia Nieto will be the Major Masks of Carnival 2017

The next Miguelturra Carnival already has Major Masks

The First Carnival Window Contest will dress the town for a party

Organized by the Celebration Area in collaboration with the Economic Promotion Area, the “Peñas de Carnaval” Cultural Association, the Small Business Association and the Miguelturra Employment Shuttle.

Guillermo Summers Crier of Honor of the Carnival of Miguelturra

Concert by the Cadiz comparsa “Cowards” organized by the Peña Los Cansaliebres

Cristóbal Aguiló Domínguez winner of the poster of the Carnival of Miguelturra 2017

This artist from Cartagena, who already did it in 2011, does it again with his work “El sueño de un pastelero carnavalero”.