
Bases XLIV National Contest “Piñata Sunday”
Sunday, February 18 at 4:00 p.m.


The Hon. Council of Miguelturra opens the call, on a competitive basis, for the awarding of prizes for the Miguelturra Carnival Piñata Sunday 2024 competition, a festival of National Tourist Interest, with the aim of promoting carnival activities and encouraging and supporting initiatives that enhance the cultural life of the town. The call for entries for the 2024 Awards is hereby announced and shall be governed by the rules set out below.



The purpose of this call is to award various prizes on the occasion of the Miguelturra Carnival Piñata Sunday contest, a Festival of National Tourist Interest, for the promotion and growth of the population’s carnival activity.


Three modalities of participation are established, to which the groups must sign up previously:

FLOAT COMPETITION: Peñas or Associations that do it with one or more floats.

COMPARS COMPETITION: Peñas or Associations that parade with a music band, musical group and/or charanga, and that do not carry floats and music from public address equipment.

MURGAS COMPETITION: Peñas or Associations that parade without live music or with music coming from public address equipment and that are not included in the previous categories.

It will be the exclusive responsibility of each group to choose the category in which it considers it meets the established requirements.


The following prizes and categories are established.

ALHIGÍ AWARD OF HONOR OF THE TOWN HALL to the best montage of the parade, float and comparsa. SPECIAL OF 2,500 Euros


1st Prize: 1.800 Euros. Sponsored by Hon. City hall

2nd.- Prize: 1,300 Euros. Sponsored by Hon. City hall

3rd.- Prize: 1,000 Euros. Sponsored by Hon. City hall

4th.- Prize: 500 Euros. Sponsored by Hon. City hall

5th.- Prize: 400 Euros. Sponsored by Hon. City hall


1st.- Prize: 900 Euros. Sponsored by Hon. City hall

2nd Prize: 700 Euros. Sponsored by Maphre Seguros (150 €) and the Hon. City hall (550 €).

3rd.- Prize: 500 Euros. Sponsored by ITV Miguelturra

4th.- Prize: 400 Euros. Sponsored by Preventiva Seguros

5th Prize: 300 Euros. Sponsored by Difunde

6th Prize: 200 Euros. Sponsored by Gimnasio Spartan


1st.- Prize: 700 Euros. Sponsored by Hon. City hall

2nd Prize: 600 Euros. Sponsored by Casa Pepe (150 ) and the Hon. City hall (450 €).

3rd.- Prize: 500 Euros. Sponsored by Pinturas Ruma S.L. (€300) and Hon. City hall (€200)

4th.- Prize: 400 Euros. Sponsored by Globalcaja

5th.- Prize: 300 Euros.  Sponsored by Ferretería Jesús León Carrascosa

6th Prize: 200 Euros. Sponsored by Tol Luz (150 €) and Hon. City hall (50 €)

All participating groups that have complied with these rules will be given ham, local cheese, “Viña Cuerva” wine and Carnival 2024 ceramics, as long as they meet the established requirements.

The organization will not pay any amount for travel subsidy or postage to the participants.


1º.- All Peñas, Associations or homogeneous groups of more than 20 people from all over the national territory may participate. The number of registrations will be limited to  35 in strict order of application, except for the peñas and groups awarded in the 2023 call for entries, which are automatically registered although they must declare their participation. The non-ratification of the same will give place to the supporters clubs that remain in reserve.

2º.- Registration, which will be free, will be held at the House of Culture of the Hon. Miguelturra City Council, Tel.: 926 241090, communicating the following information: name of the Association, number of members, name of the representative or spokesperson, DNI, address, telephone number and dimensions of the float (if it is carried), and category for which they compete.

3º.- Each group must carry in front and in a prominent place a poster showing the town they come from and their name.

4º.- The presence of animals in the parade must be previously approved by the Department of Celebrations, due to the possible risk of causing unforeseen accidents.

5º.- From 15:00 hours Civil Protection will be organising the concentration that will take place in the vicinity of Primero de Mayo Avenue, with the parade having the following route: Calle Don José Mora, Spain Square, Streets Carnival, Carretas and Pozuelo, ending in the vicinity of Parquesol. The concentration will be at 15.30 hours.

6º.- The Peñas or Associations must follow the instructions indicated by the Organization, Local Police and Civil Protection during the entire route.

7º.- Failure to comply with the instructions may be subject, in the opinion of the Jury, to possible disqualification.

8º.- The Jury, which will be itinerant, will be made up of a number of persons of recognised solvency and their decisions will be final. Within each category, the float, music, choreography, number of members and costumes, as well as originality, staging and good aesthetic taste will be specially valued.

9º.- Each participating Peña, Association or Group may only opt for one prize in its category.

10º.- The Jury may not leave any of the prizes void.

11º.- Prizes will be awarded at the end of the parade at the Carnival Palace (CERE) located in Dr. Fleming Park. At the prize-giving ceremony, at least two members must go up dressed in the costumes of the parade. The payment of the prizes will be made after the celebration of the competition, and once the winners have provided the necessary information for this purpose.

12º.- All prizes will be subject to the withholdings provided by law.

13º.- Participation in the Contest supposes the acceptance of the previous bases.


The full text of this call for entries can be accessed on the Miguelturra Town Hall website:, in the Carnival area, competitions section.

In addition to the publicity of any call subject to the General Subsidies Law, it will be given the widest possible dissemination among those who may be interested.


For any query or clarification of this call, you can contact the Department of Celebrations of the Hon. Miguelturra Town Hall, at perlerines street nº 26, 13170 – Miguelturra (Ciudad Real), by phone at 926241090 Ext. 6002, or by email at, you can access the bases and annexes of this call on the web page of the City Council of Miguelturra.


The awarding of the prizes will be governed by the provisions established in the regulatory bases in this call for applications. Where not provided for, Law 38/2003, of 17 November, General Law on Subsidies and its implementing provisions, the Bases for Execution of the Budget of the Town Council of Miguelturra for 2024 and other state or regional regulations that may be applicable will be applicable.

What is made public for general knowledge.

Collaborate: Miguelturra Civil Protection
The parade will be broadcast live through the municipal web portal