
Victoria Sobrino, presents the Miguelturra Carnival at FITUR

The Miguelturra carnival waiting to be declared of National Tourist Interest

The mayor of Miguelturra, Victoria Sobrino, was accompanied in the presentation by the President of the Provincial Council of Ciudad Real, José Manuel Caballero, the delegate of the Junta de Castilla-La Mancha, Carmen Teresa Olmedo, the president of the Association for the Development of the Campo de Calatrava, Miguel Angel Valverde, councilor for celebrations, Diego Rodríguez, councilor for culture, Fátima Mondéjar, King of Carnival, Serafín Delgado, Mayor Masks of 2018, Orestes and Mª del Carmen, Mayor Masks of 2017, José and Antonia, President of the Miguelturra Carnival Association, Raúl Domínguez, as well as the occasional street mask, the most representative figure of the Miguelturra Carnival.

Nephew, has presented the 2018 Carnival poster, to later explain why the Miguelturra Carnival should be declared of National Tourist Interest, remembering that in 1983 it was declared of Regional Tourist Interest by the Board of Communities of Castilla-La Mancha. He has covered the benefits of the festival, its uniqueness and the originality of its characters, its tradition, the street mask that is the hallmark of the festival and that has endured over time, even in the era of prohibitions, for the popular, spontaneous and participatory character of an entire town, for its gastronomy and finally for its museum, a unique museum in Spain that traces the history of carnival around the world, but especially that of Miguelturra. He has also indicated that Miguelturra is perfectly connected and that the town and its region have sufficient infrastructure and accommodation to accommodate tourists who want to experience the Miguelturra Carnival.

Nephew, ended his speech with a Long live the Miguelturra Carnival!!