
The Burleta of Campo de Criptana Revolutionizes Miguelturra again with its Industrial Revolution

XLIII National Parade of Floats, Comparsas and Murgas

Very cold in the Piñata Sunday parade, but with a very large audience that has managed to mitigate it with their enthusiasm.

The first prize for floats has been for Axonsou of Herencia with its theme “Circus”.

In comparsas Los Rocheros of Miguelturra and their song “Cabaret Rochero” has won first prize. As for the murgas category, the first prize went to the Unión of Porzuna, with their song “De Perum Natura”.

XLIII National Contest of Murgas, Comparsa and Floats

Float Category:

Alhiguí of Honor and 2.500 euros sponsored by the Miguelturra City Council, El Burleta of Campo de Criptana, theme “Industrial Revolution”

1st Prize 1.800 euros sponsored by the Miguelturra City Council, Axonsou Association of Herencia, theme “Circus”

2nd Prize 1.300 euros sponsored by the Miguelturra City Council, Los Tunantes of Piedrabuena, theme “The World of Jules Verne”

3rd Prize 1.000 euros sponsored by the Miguelturra City Council, The Unforeseen of Argamasilla de Alba, theme “The Rising of Atlantis”

4th Prize 500 euros sponsored by the Miguelturra City Council, Harúspices of Tomelloso, theme “Heresy”

Comparsa Category:

1st Prize 900 euros sponsored by the Miguelturra City Council, Peña Los Rocheros of Miguelturra, theme “Cabaret Rochero”

2nd Prize 700 euros sponsored by the Miguelturra City Council, Los Remaches of Moral de Calatrava, theme “Free as the Wind”

3rd Prize 500 euros sponsored by ITV Miguelturra, Los Herederos de Loquilandia by Miguelturra, theme “Nightmare before Christmas”

4th Prize 400 euros sponsored by Preventiva Seguros, Peña la Cabra of Miguelturra, theme “Samurai”

5th Prize 300 euros sponsored by Tejidos Julián and Hermanos Fernández Mohino, Peña El Bufón by Miguelturra, theme “Homage to Picasso”

Murgas Category:

1st Prize 700 euros sponsored by the Miguelturra City Council, La Unión of Porzuna, theme “De Perum Natura”

2nd Prize 600 euros sponsored by CEPSA “La Estrella” (350 euros) and the Miguelturra City Council (250 euros), A.C. Rainbow of Fuente el Fresno, theme “Manchego Dream”

3rd Prize 500 euros sponsored by Pinturas Ruma (300 euros) and the Miguelturra City Council (200 euros), Peña el Puntillo of Miguelturra, theme “Troy’s Last Night”

4th Prize 400 euros sponsored by Globalcaja, Carnival Friends of Madridejos, theme “The Infinity Stones”

5th Prize 300 euros sponsored by Ferretería Jesús León Carrascosa, A.C. El Mogollón of Robledo, theme “Thalassa Goddess of the Mediterranean Sea”

All the participating groups have been presented with ham and cheese from the land, a bottle of wine from Bodegas Reconquista and ceramics from Carnival 2023.