A sweet Monday with a carnival flavor

The frying pan fruit contest and leaving a mark, along with the street mask, most important events of the carnival Monday

Carnival Monday dawned with rain, but it has not prevented the celebration of the activities scheduled for Carnival Monday.

At 12:30 h. the XXXV CONTEST IN FRYING PAN FRUIT started inside the CERE facilities due to the rain and it was done with the presence of the President of the Provincial Council, José Manuel Caballero, Mayor of Miguelturra, Victoria Sobrino, Vicepresident of the Provincial Council, David Triguero, Councilman of Celebrations, Diego Rodríguez, councilors of the City Council of Miguelturra, Carmen Mohíno, Pedro Mellado and Miguel Angel García, major masks 2017, José Cañizares and Antonia Nieto and the masks major 2018, Orestes Corrral and Mª del Carmen León.

The Peña los Rocheros, have been the organizers of the event and Octavio Martín has made the limoná, which is always exquisite.

Awards of the XXXV Constest in Frying Pan Fruit:

Barquillos Modality

  • 1st Prize, Evaristo García Rivero
  • 2nd Prize, Lourdes de la Salud Cantero

Borrachuelas Modality

  • 1st Prize, Fatima Redondo Ordoñez
  • 2nd Prize, Mª del Carmen Corral León

Flowers Modality

  • 1st Prize, Evaristo García Rivero
  • 2nd Prize, Lourdes de la Salud Cantero

Roscapiña Modality

  • 1st Prize, Sergio Talavera Villodre
  • 2nd Prize, Adelina Arroyo Martínez

Rosquillas Modality

  • 1st Prize, Mª del Carmen Delgado Rodríguez
  • 2nd Prize, Mª del Carmen Corral León

The first prizes have been sponsored by the School of Natural Chef Cooking consisting of two cooking courses valued at 70 euros each, the second prizes sponsored by El Colmao and Hecón Construction Tools, have received a batch of typical products valued at 40 euros, they have also received a box of liquors sponsored by La Gaditana and the traditional Carnival Pottery.

In the afternoon and from 16:30 h. the contest Leaving a Trace was started, a competition for the exhibition of animals in disguise and organized by the Peña Kapikua. The winners in the contest were the following:

  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Prizes, “Hulk”, “Turquesa”, “Trufa and Yeko” and Jorry, 50 euros each, sponsored by the City Council of Miguelturra and redeemable at the canine hairdressing salon Didí or Simbiosis
  • 5th to 7th Prize, “Nucca”, “Xana” and “Aria”, a sack of feed of 15 kilograms each valued at 45 euros sponsored and exchangeable in Symbiosis.
  • 8th to 12th Prize, “Yaky”, “Kira”, “Nora”, “Tayson” and “Márquez”, a sack of feed of 3 kilograms each valued at 12 euros sponsored and exchangeable in Symbiosis.
  • Special prize, disguise with recycled material, “Wendy”, 45 euros voucher, sponsored and exchangeable in Didí.

The late night began with the concentration of Masks Street in the vicinity of the Spain Square, from 19:00 h. They filled the streets of Carnival with joy and color, joking the naive strollers to the cry of “Why don’t you know me?”