What don’t you know me? it will be the image of Carnival 2019
Cristóbal Aguiló Domínguez winner of the 2019 Carnival Announcer Contest
It is the winning work of the 2019 Carnival Announcement Contest and will be the image of the first Carnival of Miguelturra with declaration of National Tourist Interest.
For the third time, Cristóbal Aguiló Domínguez will put the image at the Carnival of Miguelturra, in 2011 he got it with ‘The Carnival gives us life’ and in 2017 with ‘The dream of a carnival pastry che’.
The jury on this occasion was composed by Diego Rodríguez Tercero, Festejos councilor, Jorge Jiménez Jiménez, Raúl Domínguez Donate, President of the Migueltura Carnival Association and acting as secretary Francisco José Díaz-Pinto Ramírez, Secretary of the Carnival Association of Migueltura.
The jury, met on the afternoon of January 9 at the House of Culture and ruled that of the 21 works presented, What don’t you know me? outside the winning work of this contest, endowed with a single prize of 1,000 euros.
Cristóbal Aguiló Domínguez
He was born on February 3, 1968 in Bromley Kent (UK). Illustrator, graphic and creative designer, he has been linked to the world of communication since 1987, the year in which he graduated as a senior illustration technician at the E.A.A.O.A in Valencia.
He began to work as a freelancer for his own clients, later he would join the creative teams of several advertising agencies, first in Valencia and a few years ago in Murcia.
Nowadays, from his own study of graphic communication he carries out all kinds of design projects (www.cristobalaguilo.es).
Aguiló, has participated in various competitions throughout the national geography, obtaining more than one hundred awards from 2011 to the present.
Of these awards we highlight those obtained in the carnivals of Miguelturra in 2011, 2017 and 2019, Cartagena in 2011, 2014 and 2019, Águilas (Murcia) in 2013 and 2015, Cehegín (Murcia) in 2013 and 2014, Colombino (Huelva) in 2013 and 2019, Alicante in 2015, Maspalomas (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria) in 2015, Isla Cristina (Huelva) in 2015, Santiago de la Rivera (Murcia) in 2016, Arrecife (Lanzarote) in 2016, Laredo (Cantabria) in 2016, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in 2017, La Bañeza (León) in 2017, Pego (Alicante) in 2017, Punta Umbría (Huelva) in 2017, Eibar (Guipúzcoa) in 2017, Hondarribia (Guipúzcoa) in 2018 and Vinarós (Castellón) in 2019