Chirigota La Misión, the gospel according to Santander
The Peña los Cansaliebres returns again with the Pre-Carnival
On the night of Saturday, January 14, after the stoppage due to the pandemic and at the Carnival Palace, the Churriego Pre-Carnival began at the hands of the Peña Los Cansaliebres and the Cádiz chirigota “The Mission, the gospel according to Santander”.
Some 500 people have witnessed the performance of this chirigota that last year was victorious at the COAC and in Miguelturra they have made the audience vibrate.
La chirigota is directed by Manuel Santander Grosso (Manolín), lyrics by Carlos Pérez Pérez, José Manuel Sánchez Reyes and Manuel Santander Grosso, corresponding to the music by Carlos Pérez Pérez and Manuel Santander Grosso.
During the ceremony, the Mayor of the Town, Laura Arriaga and the President of the Peña los Cansaliebres, Alberto Soria, delivered some souvenirs from the Miguelturra Carnival, the traditional ceramic mask and the book “Know me, Miguelturra Carnival”.
The corresponding thanks were also made to the entities and companies that have sponsored and collaborated in the event, Miguelturra City Council, web portal, Onda Cero Ciudad Real as official sponsor of the event, being collaborating companies, Gonavas Logístics, Bakery Pastries Fegopán, Hotel San Juan, Marcos Quite Rojas Veterinary Services, Alberto Soria Electrical Installations, Constructions and Reforms Afanes, Biluja Serigraphy, Dasego Advisors and Rodrigo Travel.
The end of the performance became a great party, the components of the chirigota came down from the stage to sing with the audience two compositions by Manuel Santander Cahué, “With the curse” from the 2019 chirigota “The curse of the black macaw” and “They have told me that the yellow” from the 1998 chirigota “The Pepperoni family”, which has become the popular anthem of Cádiz CF, interpreting it together with the members of the Peña los Cansaliebres.
They told me that the Yellow (1998)
Chirigota The Pepperoni Family
I have been told that the yellow
it is cursed for the artists
and that color though
It is a sold glory for the cadistas.
And although they receive in return
a whole ordeal of disappointments
they paint their faces yellow
yellow are their hearts.
They have given their lives and their throats,
following where necessary
to the Cádiz of his loves.
Blessed are those who fill with hope,
Every corner, every step of my Carraza,
without caring that never,
go to be champions,
They have earned respect
of all Spain, for these colors.