The Churriego Carnival comes to an end and it is best to celebrate with the traditional contest of Murgas, Comparsas and Floats
Three categories are established: FLOATS, COMPARSAS and MURGAS, to which the peñas will be previously registered.
FLOATS: This category includes the Peñas or Associations that parade in with one or more floats.
COMPARSAS: This category includes the Peñas or Associations that parade with music band, musical group and/or charanga
MURGAS: This category fits the Peñas or Associations that parade without live music or music
The contest will be governed by the following bases:
- All groups may participate if they wish, provided they have a minimum of 20 people and are from any of the towns of the Castellano-Manchego Region.
- The number of entries will be limited to 35 by strict order of application, except the peñas and groups awarded in the 2017 call, which are automatically registered but must show their concurrence. The non-ratification of the same will give place to the peñas that remain in reserve.
- Each group must carry in front and in a prominent place a sign that shows the town where it comes from and its name.
- The rally will take place in the vicinity of Parquesol from 4:00 pm, with the parade following the following route: Pozuelo Street, Carretas, Ancha, Carnival, Spain Square and Don José Mora, ending in the vicinity of the Avenue 1º of May.
- Registration, which will be free, will be made in the Culture House of the City of Miguelturra, Telephone: +34 926241090, communicating the following information: name of the Association, number of components, name of the representative or spokesperson, ID, address, telephone and dimensions of the float (in case they carry it), and category for which they compete.
- The Jury will be composed of a number of people of recognized solvency and their decisions will be unappealable.
- No prize may be declared deserted.
- The float, the music, the choreography, the number of components and the costumes, as well as the originality, staging and good aesthetic taste will be valued in a special way and within each category.
- All participating groups will be presented with Ham, Cheese, Wine Case “Señorío de los Llanos” donated by Distribuidora Hervás and carnival mask 2018 Miguelturra, provided they meet the requirements of point 1.
- The Awards will be handed out at the end of the parade at the Palace of the Carnival (CERE). It is recommended that the collection of prizes be minimum two members with the costumes of the parade located in the Doctor Fleming Park.
- In addition to the aforementioned gifts, the following prizes will be awarded:FLOATS CATEGORY
SPECIAL PRIZE OF 2,000 euros
1st Prize: 1,300 euros sponsored by the City Council of Miguelturra
2nd Prize: 1,000 euros sponsored by the City Council of Miguelturra
3rd Prize: 800 euros sponsored by the City Council of Miguelturra
4th Prize: 500 euros sponsored by Calatrava Beer
1st Prize: 400 euros sponsored by Distribuciones Sacra
2nd Prize: 375 euros sponsored by Casa Pepe Restaurant
3rd Prize: 350 euros sponsored by ITV Miguelturra
4th Prize: 300 euros sponsored by the City Council of Miguelturra
4th Prize: 300 euros sponsored by Brothers Fernández Mohíno, C.B and City Council of Miguelturra
1st Prize: 275 euros sponsored by Globalcaja
2nd Prize: 250 euros sponsored by Cepsa – Carrefour “The Star”
3rd Prize: 200 euros sponsored by the City Council of Miguelturra
3rd Prize: 200 euros sponsored by Tejidos Julián
3rd Prize: 200 euros sponsored by Aquilice and Mucho +
The presentation of the parade will be borne by the Municipal Broadcaster
Organize and collaborate: Civil Protection of Miguelturra