
Major Masks Presentation Dinner 2017

José Cañizares and Antonia Nieto will be proclaimed as Major Masks on Saturday, February 25.

With just a few days left before the start of the Carnival and as has become customary in recent years, on the night of Saturday, February 18, the traditional presentation dinner of the 2017 Carnival Major Masks was held at the CERE.

José Cañizares and Antonia Nieto, chaired the table together with Victoria Sobrino, mayor of Miguelturra, Diego Rodríguez, Councilor for Celebrations, Fátima Mondéjar, Councilor for Culture, Serafín Delgado, King of Carnival, José Muñoz and Mercedes Rivas, Major Masks of 2016 and Raúl Domínguez, president of the Carnival Peñas Association.

With the attendance of almost 300 diners, among whom were Major Masks from previous years and members of Peñas and carnival groups from the town, the event began with the intervention of the members of the presidential table, thanking the attendees for their presence in this presentation that practically begins the Churriego carnival. They also invited people to live the carnival intensely, which will begin with the proclamation by Pepe Ribagorda, on Friday, February 24, and will end on March 5 with the Sunday piñata parade.