
Major Masks Presentation Dinner 2020

Mª Carmen and Manolo appear before the Miguelturra carnival community at the Peñas dinner

On Saturday, February 15, at the Carnival Palace (CERE),  the traditional presentation dinner of the Major Carnival Masks was held.

Laura Arriaga, mayor of the town, Diego Rodríguez, festivities councilor, Serafín Delgado, King of Carnival, Raúl Domínguez, president of the Miguelturra Carnival Association, Antonio and Mª Paz, major masks of Carnival 2019, members of the Municipal Corporation and components of the clubs, who filled the Carnival Palace to accompany and support, who will be the Major Masks of Carnival 2020, Manuel González Beldad and Mª Carmen Céspedes Pastor.

Before dinner, Laura Arriaga, Serafín Delgado and Raúl Domínguez spoke, congratulating the new couple of Major Masks of the Miguelturra Carnival and wishing them a happy journey in their new carnival stage. Manolo and Mª Carmen, thanked the support received from friends and family, as well as the affection that the different Peñas in the town are transmitting to them, hoping to live up to the different couples of Major Masks that have preceded them in previous years.

Those attending the dinner tasted a menu prepared by the Lady Gema Restaurant.